Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Campaign of Lies and Smears Against Kucinich

Dear Friend,

Immigration and Healthcare are serious matters. That's why the Republican smear machine is going into overdrive to misrepresent the facts and mislead voters about Congressman Dennis Kucinich's record. Read this and know why this election is important for Ohio and America, and arm yourself with the facts to expose Republican falsehoods and fiction which are being circulated in printed literature in Ohio's 10th Congressional District.

FICTION: Republicans say "Kucinich voted against Children's Health Insurance Program (S-Chip) because it did not cover children of illegal immigrants."

FACT: Dennis stood up for the children of LEGAL immigrants. Dennis voted against one version of the S-CHIP bill specifically because it did not cover the children of LEGAL immigrants. He stood up and spoke out strongly to protect the health care of more than 400,000 children in America who were ignored and excluded from coverage in the bill. Dennis comes from Ohio's 10th District, a community of many immigrant peoples.

FICTION: Republicans say "Kucinich voted against prescription drugs benefits for seniors."

FACT: Dennis took on Big Pharma. Dennis voted against the notorious Medicare Part D which passed by a single vote and took cost controls off the big drug companies. He voted against giving them multi-billion dollar windfall profits.

FACT: Dennis Takes on the Insurance Companies. Dennis is the author of the MEDS Act which would provide senior citizens with a full prescription drug benefit, cost-free under Medicare. Dennis is also the co-author and the driving force nationally for HR 676, Medicare for All. It is a single-payer system that covers all medically necessary services for all Americans.

Currently, $2.4 trillion is spent each year for "health care." But 1 out of every 3 dollars ($800 billion annually) goes for the activities of the private insurance 'industry' such as corporate profits, stock options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing, cost of paperwork, etc.), rather than actual health care services. Dennis' bill, drafted with Congressman John Conyers, reallocates that wasted $800 billion to pay for medical care and services for people who need them.

These lies against Dennis on immigration and health care are coming from the very same person who, as chairman of the GOP in Ohio's largest county, collaborated with Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell to suppress the Democratic vote in 2004, which enabled George Bush to win Ohio and the election! Now he is trying to suppress votes for Dennis by manipulating voters with a campaign of lies and smears.

Please contribute as generously as you can by going to www.Kucinich.us/contribute and help Dennis respond to these attacks.

You can also contribute by phone by calling our office toll free at (877) 933-6647.

Or, you can Or, you can mail a check with a completed contribution form.

Re-Elect Congressman Kucinich Committee
P.O. Box 110475
Cleveland, OH 44111

Thank you.

The Re-Elect Congressman Dennis Kucinich Committee
216-252-9000 877-933-6647

Save the date:

  • Sunday, October 12, 2008, Olmsted Twp - Annual Volunteer Picnic with Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich and "Days of Our Lives" star Deidre Hall.
  • Wednesday, October 22, 2008, Cleveland - An evening with Dennis and Award winning musician and activist Melissa Etheridge.
  • 1 comment:

    osoluckyme said...


    My family has been devestated by CPS. I was a successful businesswoman before they came along. I raised my daughter alone and worked myself off welfare 16 years ago. They took everything I had for no reason. My daughter is 17 years old and she was literally kidnapped from school for Federal Funds. My ex-husband lied to CPS because he lost the custody battle two years prior. Social workers lied so they could defraud our US Government. I was unable to get anyone to help me, even after calling every imaginable number seeking assistance. The Judge and Director of CPS were corrupt. The State didn't investigate and the Governor ignored my pleas. My daughter told CPS she wanted to come home but they didn't care. They traumatized her and placed her in 6 different foster homes where she was abused. She started cutting on herself because they refused to let her see me. My daughter was then sent out of state against her will in the middle of the night. When she arrived she was not allowed to leave the house and her cell phone was taken away. My ex-husband worked with CPS to make sure Jenny didn't try to contact me. He disconnected his phone right after CPS took her so when she arrived she couldn't call for help. There was no reunification services and the whole removal was very unethical. No warrant was ever issued. There was no voluntary placement agreement and there certaintly wasn;t any abuse. My daughter has always been my best friend. She had everything a child could ever want. She was well taken care of and I have taken her all over the world. She's had credit cards since she was 12 years old. This was a state kidnapping and I am appauled that our Government can allow this sick agency to steal children for profit. The only reason CPS was able to get away with it is because of my spiteful ex-husband who should have been charged for giving false information to CPS. He knew our daughter was privididged but he was determined to get out of paying the 275.00/mo child support and arrearages.

    Now I've lost everything because of CPS. They have unnecessarily destroyed two people's lives. We've lost our house and our beloved animals. People took advantage of my situation and the bookkeeper wiped out my bank accounts because I ran from CPS. I was not going to allow a criminal enterprise turn me into a criminal. CPS didn't like my You Tube videos or speaking out about the corruption so
    they harassed me. No one should have to endure such treatment from their own country. I still am not allowed to see my daughter who is permanently damaged by this nightmare. I have asked the State to drop the case as I no longer live in California. My daughter is in Iowa. The only reason California continues to keep an open case is to obtain more federal money.

    There has got to be a way to reform CPS to hold them accountable for their misdeeds. I have been working with a few people in congress and I hope that you will use your influence to help others in my same situation. I pray that you are an honest congressman and I hope you will take a moment to investigate what the federal funds are doing to our children. ASFA was just renewed and the funding is now double. I fear that many more children will die as a result. These children are the future of tomorrow and many of these children are being drugged, abused and neglected by CPS. CPS would like our government to believe their lies about taking abused and neglected children but the truth is far more sinister. More than 50% of the children CPS takes are not abused at all and they are being taken for financial reasons. CPS is having others give parents and children false mental diagnosis to obtain more funding. The long list of crimes thye commit are dispictable. It is similiar to the holocaust. If you are ever interested in knowing what CPS really does please contact me or my dear friend Senator Nancy Schaefer. I believe she is collecting information to show to congress.

    Thank you for listening. I hope you had a nice birthday~

    Kathleen Dearinger....is hiding out on an island in the South Pacific until CPS is reformed


    PS. the GRAND JURY called me today. They want to hear my case but now CPS is going to try to dismiss the case and transfer custody to my ex so my case won't be heard. This agency is ruthless. PLEASE SUPPORT CPS REFORM