Tomorrow, Friday July 25th, Dennis Kucinich will present evidence to the House Judiciary Committee on the abuse of power of the Bush Administration so Congress can decide whether to investigate impeachable offenses. Unless they know that the American people want this investigation, it's possible that nothing will happen. If you believe that this Administration must be held accountable, please sign and invite your friends to sign the online petition at
Confessions of a Radio Producer
11 hours ago
Could you get a new font? It's particularly annoying when in all caps, like for the labels, the date, headers, etc.
this joke of a congressman should be worrying about far more important things, ummm, like his district!
Really sad. No evidence for any of these lies. If you believe this, then you also must prosecute President Clinton, who also said that Saddam had WMD, and Congress, who said Saddam was a danger and must be removed, and European leaders, who said their intelligence also confirmed that Saddam had WMD. Don't you realize that you are simply buffoons and pawns for the Islamic extremists, who are laughing at American stupidity?
But I guess facts don't matter. After all, when you hate President Bush with a pathological fervor, all you really need are lies. Who needs enemies, when America has Kucinich?
Oh, only one problem--Bush isn't running for President, is he? So now what will you do--I guess once we have a non-Bush president, you'll have nothing left to live for, unless you find someone else to hate and lie about.
This impeachment would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. And since when are American presidents subject to "international law?" You're the one that needs to be tried--as a traitor to your country. We are not subject to world government yet, thank God.
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