Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dennis Kucinich: Gaza, reforming the monetary system and a plea for your support

As Congress begins, I have been leading the way towards addressing the humanitarian plight of the people of Gaza whose desperate conditions must be addressed if there is to be any chance for peace in the Middle East. I have also begun a campaign to work on the reform of our monetary system in order to bring about equity, prosperity and environmental sustainability.

I had to spend the resources you provided me with in order to retain my seat in Congress. I need your generous help again to fund our ongoing political operations including media outreach, web communications, office administration and issues campaigning.

I know these are hard times, but your contribution is essential to strengthening our efforts. Please contribute as generously as you can. Your support assures a true independent voice in Congress.

With hope and in peace,


Please contribute as generously as you can at: http://www.Kucinich.us/contribute

Dept of Peace in 9th place on important Change.org poll - please vote TODAY!

Congressman Kucinich's idea to create a Department of Peace and Non-Violence is currently in 9th place in an important online poll to determine the Top 10 "Ideas for Change in America" on Change.org.
The voting is currently in the finalist stage, ending this Thursday, January 15 at 5:00 pm.

With your help, the Department of Peace and Non-Violence could win this poll!

Would you please take just a minute to vote for the Department of Peace and Non-Violence at this link:


(Make sure the BLUE VOTE BUTTON next to the title has turned to a BROWN 'VOTED' BUTTON in order for your vote to be counted.)

Please also forward this message to your friends.

The top 10 ideas will be presented to the Obama administration and a formal nonprofit sponsor will be selected for each idea to help create a nationwide movement to lobby the administration and Congress to turn the idea into policy. In addition, a press event announcing the winners will be held at the National Press Club and the winning ideas will be promoted by MySpace and dozens of other partner organizations, reaching millions of Americans.

This poll has already been reported on by CNN, and the winning ideas will certainly receive a huge momentum boost.

You can learn more about the Department of Peace and Non-Violence by visiting:

Thank you!